Click on the “shop for shoes” button on our home page and browse our online selection, listed on Ebay, to find the shoes you want.
PLEASE NOTE: You will only be able to buy/order shoes that have a price showing in their listing. You cannot buy/bid-on auction items unless you have an Ebay account, which is free, by the way.
Once you have found the shoes you wish to buy, write down their twelve digit Ebay “Item Number” located to the far right on the item title bar (light blue) at the top of each listing, usually beginning 270… or 250… You will need this number, specific to each shoe, to place your order.
Call our store toll free at 866-665-4435 and say: “I would like to place an online shoe order.” The clerk will connect you with an online sales associate. You must call between the hours of 9 am and 6 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Saturday, to place an order.
Be prepared to give the sales associate the item number(s) of the shoes you want and have your credit/debit/check card information ready to complete payment. The sales associate will take your order, payment information, and get your shipping address.
Your shoes will ship out within one business day!